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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Lmod Tutorial ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Testing made easy ddvento010 years 3 months ago
PageProgram and Schedule ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Project Management and Automation: Using Maven and Grunt to accelerate development ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Productivity-oriented software design for geoscientific modelling ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Continuous Integration and Delivery at NSIDC ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Jump-starting the development of coupled climate models with minimal effort using a new communication library ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Programming Paradigms in Modern Fortran ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Designing and Building Awesome REST APIs That Get Used ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Docker: What's in it for me? ddvento010 years 3 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Eclipse and the Parallel Tools Platform ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Using Python dictionaries to generate coupled model diagnostics ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Getting the most out of RT: Library and REST API Development ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Python Tools for Parallel Analysis of Extremely Large GCM Output ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Debugging Parallel Applications with TotalView ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Test-driven development with pFUnit 3.0 ddvento010 years 4 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Documentation with Doxygen and DocBook ddvento010 years 5 months ago
PageBylaws ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Blog entryNew Proposal Review Committee Chair ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc) Scalable realtime architectures using Python on Storm ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Strategies, motivations, and influencing adoption of testing for scientific code ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)A comparison of climate applications on accelerated and conventional architectures ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)The Assimilation Project: Discovery and Monitoring Without Limit ddvento010 years 8 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)Analysis of MPI programs using Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector ddvento010 years 10 months ago
Event Page (seminar, class, etc)WRF in the Cloud: Practical Big Compute on Windows Azure ddvento010 years 11 months ago
