The Mondometeo website services for the weather predictions sharing

Date and Time: 
2013 Monday, April 1
CG1 Auditoriums
Michele de Rosa

Authors: Michele de Rosa, Alessandro Staniscia

Mondometeo is an amateur meteorological website which publish very short term weather predictions over Italy and UK. In order to share the weather predictions in an efficient way, some web services are available: an augmented reality service, a Twitter service and a KMZ service. The presentation shows the weather prediction engine and how the services are realized.

Speaker Description: 

Michele de Rosa works for T.R.S. S.p.A. as Project Manager/Team Leader/Analyst Programmer on Air Traffic Control and Defense Systems since 2002. He earned a degree in Computer Science in 2001 and a PhD in Environmental Monitoring in 2011 with a thesis on nowcasting of extreme meteorological events using satellite data. Currently he is working on the development of a framework for the distribution and visualization of georeferenced data using OSGi and on the improvement of the nowcasting algorithms.

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