The Apache OODT Ecosystem: A Birds Eye View

Date and Time: 
2012 Thursday. February 23rd
ML-132 Main Seminar
Chris A. Mattmann


Apache OODT is a thriving top level project at the Apache Software Foundation, released under the ALv2. The software is a set of components, an architectural pattern and style for constructing data-intensive systems that focus on two fundamental areas: data processing and computation; and information integration. The project has a 10 year history; a strong, diverse community consisting of contributions from NASA, the NIH, the DOE, universities, hospitals, and industry, and is the first NASA project to earn the distinction of being released at the Apache Software Foundation. This talk will focus on introducing the audience to the OODT ecosystem, giving a bird's eye view of its history, overall timeline, its products, and its bright future.

Speaker Description: 

Chris Mattmann has a wealth of experience in software design, and in the construction of large-scale data-intensive systems. His work has infected a broad set of communities, ranging from helping NASA unlock data from its next generation of earth science system satellites, to assisting graduate students at the University of Southern California (his Alma mater) in the study of software architecture, all the way to helping industry and open source as a member of the Apache Software Foundation. When he's not busy being busy, he's spending time with his lovely wife and son braving the mean streets of Southern California.

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