SEA townhall meeting

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On 2010 December 16th we'll have a townhall meeting at 3pm in the CG1-1210 South Auditorium . There won't be any SEA seminar in December.


  1. Seminar, Classes and Forum balance for 2010 -  short talk from the Seminar, Professional Development and Knowledge Management Committee chair
  2. Vision and plans for 2010 - short talk as point 1 above
  3. Large Q&A and discussion secion. Topics that we'd like to cover:
    1. how is SEA and its chairs doing?
    2. any suggestion, request or discussion of topics for Seminars and Classes you'd like to have in 2011
    3. are we striking the right balance, or (say) you would like to have more "internal practices", more "hands on" or more "talks from luminaries"?
    4. any suggestion for Knowledge Management?
    5. current SEA chairs are all in CISL - in fact they are all in CSG. Are we biased? Do we represent and satisfy the needs of the whole organization?
    6. current committees are all made of zero of one person. Is this a problem? Would you like to volunteer a little of your time in SEA?
    7. is there anything else SEA can do for you?
    8. any other business

Minutes of the meeting available here.