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The UCAR Software Engineering Assembly (SEA) exists to serve the interests of the software engineering community at UCAR and NCAR. All members are encouraged to interact with the SE community at UCAR, participate in communities of practice, attend our yearly Improving Scientific Software (ISS) conference, share tips and techniques, and engage in respectful and constructive discussion.

Anyone who is interested in software engineering activities at UCAR is welcome to join the SEA (including external collaborators). For those members who are SE staff at UCAR and NCAR, the SEA is also a vehicle to provide input to and drive dialog with senior management. As membership is not limited to a single lab or facility, the SEA is uniquely positioned to provide a holistic view of the perspective of SEs across the institution and the common challenges we face.

Latest Updates🔗︎

Upcoming SEA Seminar and Open Discussion on Developer Exchange Programs

Join the UCAR Software Engineering Assembly (SEA) at 2pm MT on October 10th for a short presentation on developer exchange programs followed by a lightly-moderated discussion.

Inspired by the 'visiting scientist' concept, ACOM and Unidata piloted a Developer Exchange Program. From January to July of last year, Kyle Shores (ACOM) and Ward Fisher (Unidata) asynchronously dedicated a portion of their time working on projects across organizations. Kyle spent three months contributing cmake and modern build & test infrastructure expertise to the netCDF project at Unidata, after which Ward reciprocated with 3 three months of expertise in structured software engineering and cross-platform software development to the Musica project at ACOM. Kyle and Ward's work focused on how their skill sets could benefit the other's projects. With the successful completion of this pilot program, we want to gauge interest in expanding this program so that any software developer can participate.

If you wish to join us for this event and you are NCAR/UCAR Staff, add this event to your calendar. If you are external, please email Taysia Peterson for an invitation.

Welcome to the new SEA website

The UCAR Software Engineering Committee is excited to officially launch the new SEA public facing website today! This long-awaited update will make it easier for the SEA to provide timely updates and content to you, our community. Expect additional content to be added the coming months.

In the meantime, please check out our archives of recent Improving Scientific Software Conferences, Open Discussions, and links to our community portals. We also have an archive of our old site available, so the content provided there is still available.

If you have an interest in helping us with website content, feel free to submit a pull request - this website uses a modified mkdocs template and pages are tracked via the GitHub repository linked in the upper right.

Upcoming SEA Open Discussion on GPUs and Accelerators

Join the UCAR Software Engineering Assembly at 11 AM MT on Tuesday, August 13 for a lightly-moderated discussion on the use of GPUs or any other hardware accelerators across UCAR.

Any discussion topics are welcome, as are all experience levels. We encourage you to share your experiences, good and bad.

Some potential discussion topics include:

  • Current uses of GPUs and accelerators, including applications, discovered benefits, and methods of implementation (CUDA, OpenACC, etc.).
  • Barriers, challenges, or pitfalls to using GPUs.
  • Thoughts on UCAR/NCAR pursuing GPU or accelerator capabilities versus other software-related goals or facilities.
  • What could SEA do to help support and/or advocate for community needs in this area?

Hope to see you there! For NCAR/UCAR Staff, add this event to your calendar. If you are external, please email Taysia Peterson for an invitation.

Questions? Email Jesse Nusbaumer or email Supreeth Suresh.