Participate in an upcoming SEA event on language interoperability
The UCAR SEA is planning to have a discussion, with a few short presentations, on the topic of language interoperability, providing an opportunity for groups to share their experiences and plans in this area. This can include more traditional Fortran-C/C++ interoperability, but we're especially interested in interoperability with other languages such as Python and Julia.
For example, the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) team is considering building out capabilities to facilitate the coupling of model components written in Python or Julia with those in Fortran, C and C++.
We are looking for volunteers to give microtalks on the subject. Do you have experience with this kind of language interoperability that you would be willing to share in a short (~ 5-minute) presentation or through participation in a discussion session on this topic – sharing successful techniques, challenges you’ve encountered, etc.? Or does your group have plans to add capabilities in this area that you would be willing to share?
If so, please contact Brian to discuss how you can get involved.